
New Vegas Tech Company Launches with All-in-One Cloud Business Management Software


Verxatile Inc
Eric Zhivalyuk


New Vegas Tech Company Launches with All-in-One Cloud Business Management Software

Las Vegas NV – on March 11th 2020 – Verxatile Inc (Pronounced: ver·sa·tile) launched its new Las Vegas based technology and software company. A tech powerhouse dedicated to developing and delivering the latest business solutions across many industries and markets. Verxatile offers a complete suite of technology, cloud, mobile, and software solutions that takes every moving part of a business and integrates them into a single flexible and customizable product.

The tech company’s new Cloud Business Management Software called VXTL seamlessly integrates into any business to automate processes, streamline operations, accelerate growth, increase revenue and reduce cost. It delivers core features for Operations, Finance, Accounting, HR, Reporting, Analytics, Automation, Business Intelligence and more. VXTL is easy to deploy, easy to use, easy to customize, and accessible from any device, anywhere in the world. A product that many tech companies tried and still fail to deliver.

CEO and Founder, Eric Zhivalyuk declares, “It’s time to change the game. It’s time to disrupt industries. It’s time to show the world what cutting edge business software is and can be. How to automate companies, streamline operations, and accelerate growth. How to build, run and scale through technology business solutions. VXTL is the present and future of complex large organizations that struggle to keep up with changing business technology. The same companies that buy, license, and piece together 10 different softwares to use across their organization and departments only to be bottle-necked by their inability to scale, integrate with each other, and adapt.”

Over the last two years, the Verxatile team has developed this software framework, which has been tested and successfully deployed in large production operations and environments. We were told by the executives, the management, and the workforce, “VXTL blew everyone away”. Not only by its speed, efficiency, and usability, but by its immediate value throughout the company; churning revenue and increasing efficiency, while decreasing costs. VXTL quickly became the most vital resource tool used by every department throughout the company.

“I am so extremely proud, excited, and eager to drive forward this next chapter putting all my weight and resources behind something that is truly on the cutting edge of cloud software technology, and one of its kind. I’ve built and led the development of many different types of software, tech solutions, and tech companies; and I must say, nothing even slightly compares to the functionality and versatility (hence the name Verxatile) of what we have beautifully created. Verxatile on company level and product level can disrupt every industry where business meets technology.”, says CEO, Eric Zhivalyuk.

Verxatile offers a plethora of other services, such as: Custom Software, Mobile Apps, Websites, Payment Solutions, Cloud and Hosting Solutions, Digital Marketing, and Business Strategy.

You can find more information on their website: