
I Done This

Ever gotten to the end of the week and wondered where the time went? You worked all week, and hopefully made significant progress on your goals, and yet you sit there wondering what to put in your status reports and team updates.

Your to-do list app tells you what you need to do, but how about a tool to tell you what you’ve done? I Done This is just that. It’s a simple tool to log everything you accomplish, and turn it into reports without any extra work.

I Done This is an email powered app, something you can use without installing anything new. Just setup your account, then every evening I Done This will send you an email asking what you’ve done that day. Just reply right from your inbox, listing each thing you’ve accomplished, then hit send.

The following morning, when you check your email, I Done This will be there again, with an email that outlines everything your whole team has done. It’s an auto-generated team report that gives you a quick insight to what’s going on across your company.

Want to keep track of more details about the stuff you’ve accomplished? Add tags to your completed tasks with a hashtag, perhaps logging tasks by task like #email or by #project. Then, it’s time to open the I Done This app, where you’ll have a full log of everything you’ve ever completed. Click the Tag tab, and you can see your dones sorted by tag, for a quick look at all the things you’ve done on #project so far. Or, you could just search for any word in all of your done tasks to drill in.

For teams, I Done This is also an internal social network of sorts. Switch over to your team page, and you can see everything your team has accomplished. Each post has a like button and comments box, so you can give feedback to your team members, congratulate them on jobs done well, and help them out where they may be stuck. You can even mention other team members with a Twitter-style @name, to loop in others who helped complete the task, say. It’s a tiny, simple way to keep your team working together.

I Done This’ most important feature, though, may just be that it doesn’t require you to use a new app. All you have to do is reply to an email, and you’ll have an auto-generated report on what’s happening in your team. It’s a simple way to always know what everyone’s doing.